Category: Events|Comment: 0|Readings: 1986|Published: 12/02/2014|


Several days ago (exactly 6,7 and 8 December) took place "The 1st brass meeting" in Azpeitia. between the activities which had been planned is worth to pointing out masterclasses, conferences, concerts and many others for the little ones.

Last Sunday 7th I had the pleasure to give the conference "Techniques for an effective breath and study at music field" where we practiced these aspects:

1º Part:   The importance of the proper breathing and bodily position at music practice.

  • Breathing
  • Healthy bodily position
  • Workout breathing exercises
  • Breathing devices
  • The importance of mouthpiece work

It was really advisable to bring with us our mouthpieces and instruments in order to compare how useful  these breathing techniques are.

2º Part:  Study techniques applied to music:

  • What, where and how study
  • The 10.000 hours rule
  • 3 rules of deep practice
All the participants were rewarded with a little gift.

The 8th December was celebrated "The Brass day". At 9:30 Juanjo Munera, euphonium soloist at Concert Band of Bilbao, gave a master class.

After that, all the participants enjoyed lunch and then, each one of them worked with a speciific teacher.

Trumpet players were in the hands of Niko Zubia (trumpet player at Vitoria Concert Band). French horns were studying with John Lizaro; Iker Maraños was woking with trombones (both of them are actually teacher at San Sebastian music college). Juan Carlos Ribelles and myself, were teaching to the tubas.

Kids had their own teachers at their disposal. They were Izaskum Ocon and Ibai Pastor.

In the afternoon, all together, we had a rehearsal for working on the compositions that we had to play that night  in The Soreasu concert hall

I´m sure that everyone had a great time and learnt a lot since it was the aim of this brass conference.

To spread this event in the social media we created this hagstag that appears below:


Post blog translated by Ainhoa Hevia, tuba student.