Category: Music|Comment: 0|Readings: 3903|Published: 03/06/2020|


Las May 30th I was a lucky man because I was speaker in TEDxGijon event. It was held in Gijon, Asturias, Spain.

For me, It was a great honour to participate in this event. I did my best to show my tuba teaching experience and describe that, thanks to a traumatic event, I have learned to enjoy muy life doing one of the things how I am a passionate: Transmitting passion for music through tuba to my students.

Transmittin passion for music through tuba

Maybe, many of you don´t know what TED conferences is. I´ll try to explain to you.

What´s TED Conference?

It is an annual event held on the North American West Coast. TED meaning Technology, Entertainment and Desing, three broad subject areas that are collectively shaing our world. But TED also is showcasing important ideas from any discipline, and is exploring how they all connect.

What´s TEDx?

To show the good ideas, TED has created TEDx, a local conference program to enjoy similar experiences of TED conferences.

TEDxGijon combines recording videos with life speeches to favour the connection and discussion within a small group of attendees

Finally, I would like to express my gratitude everybody who helped me to make this tall. Without them nothing would have been the same. Many thanks all of you.

Here I leave my talk. I hope you like it. (Only in Spanish Language)